My Life’s Creation Retreat – Produced by Maestro Roni Porat

Clean your body and mind in the Sinai desert and by the beach in a retreat full of mindfulness and music. 

My Life’s Creation Retreat – a one of a kind experience full of music and mindfulness for your body and soul!

Surround yourself by mountains, desert and sea, disconnect from your busy world and discover beauty and tranquillity around you and within! Guided by Maestro Roni Porat, a famous Israeli conductor and speaker, you will learn to stop, breath and recharge. You will have time for yourself to think, dream and reflect on this complex thing called life. 

Upon arriving in the desert, you will find yourself in a different world. All around you there will be just sand, water and the smiling faces of your hosts and fellow participants. Slowly, you will be immersed in this new environment and disconnect from your busy life. Different thoughts will cross your mind, much more profound than what we usually allow ourselves to have. You will be stimulated physically, mentally and spiritually and through different activities you will learn to be still, to slow down, to listen, to reflect and to dream.

You will also get to meet people from all over the world and from all walks of life. Wanderers, explorers, thinkers and creators who, just like you, search for peace and strive for an improved quality of life.

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Why should you join and book “My Life’s Creation” retreat?

This retreat is for people who want to learn to stop. breath. reflect and explore new destinations – both in the world around them and in the world within. In this retreat you will learn a lot – from the fish to swim, from the Bedouins to slow down, from the desert to be still, from the mountains to be humble, from the starry night sky to accept our inability to understand, from the waves of music and sea to listen.

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My Life’s Creation


Our retreat participants are often diverse and you will get to meet people just like you as well as people whose lives are completely different from yours. But just like you, they all want to simplify, to connect, to embrace and enjoy the little time we have on this planet. We can’t think of a better place to do all that than in our beautiful camp in Sinai.

You can find more information about this specific retreat by clicking HERE!

About Roni Porat:

After an international stage career as a conductor, performer, lecturer and leadership coach, I decided it is time for a change. My quest of self discovery and personal growth led me to the desert. There, in the middle of nowhere, something changed. 

Our retreat is a result of 30 years of personal research. Diverse life experiences taught me valuable lessons about thought-quality, consciousness, awareness and aspirations. Through music, laughter and fellow teachers and experts, I will share these lessons with you in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I truly hope to see you there!

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Roni Porat | My Life’s Creation

How does it work:

There are two options for you to book this unique mindfulness retreat in Sinai:

  • Book a private retreat for your family, friends or private group:

We can produce an entire retreat just for you. Simply fill the inquiry form and we will get back to you with all the details. The retreat includes a program that lasts one week and involves music, conversation, reflection in silence and other various fun and recharging activities.

  • Join us on one of the dates we have available:

Every year there are several dates available for our retreats in English. Simply join by yourself or with a partner/friend and meet many other unique individuals there. The atmosphere is always friendly, open and supportive so you will feel welcomed and accepted.

All you need to do is fill the inquiry form to get in touch with us and we will send you more information about the available dates. You can also visit the retreat’s website directly.